Avoid These Foods To Control Your Weight

To be attractive one must have a good body shape. If you want to have a good body shape by losing weight, the most important thing is to choose right food for you. You must avoid foods that contain high amounts of refined sugar and fats. This includes fried foods, carbonated drinks, pastries, cheese, ice cream and chocolate.

So the first thing to avoid is refined sugar. Refined sugar does not contain any vitamins and minerals, instead they are pure source of calories. If you look at the figure given above, you can determine how much sugar you take when you consume one of these products. For example, if you drink one can of cola, you take almost nine tablespoons of sugar. Try to avoid all the products you see in the figure.

Also, you must avoid foods high in fat contents. All types of meat normally have high contents of fat as compared to beans and vegetables. If you cannot live without meat , then you should eat white meat (chicken and fish) and lean red meat. Poultry and dairy products are also high in fat contents. You can consult the chart below to have an idea of foods that contain high amount of fat.