How to Dye Hair at Home: Useful Tips

You can enahnce your beauty by coloring your hair. Light brown, dark brown and black are the most popular hair colors. You can easily find hair dyes in any supermarket.

Here are some tips to help you dye your hair at home

1. Pick a color that is not far from your natural hair color.
2. Read and follow the instructions given by the dye manufacturer.
3. First apply the dye on a small portion of your skin and wait for at least 24 hours. This is to make sure that the dye does not cause any harm to your skin.
4. Shampoo your hair thoroughly. This is to make your hair free of oil and dirt.
5. Wear protective gloves to protect hands.
6. Divide hair in small sections. Color one section at a time with the help of a brush.
7. Comb hair as you apply the dye.
8. Make sure that you color only hair and not the underlying skin.
9. Wait for 20 to 25 minutes and then rinse your hair with warm water.

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