Saree, An Elegant Dress

A saree is a popular female dress in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Burma  and Nepal. It is simply a long strip of unstitched cloth that is wrapped over the body in various styles. The length of a saree is typically between 12 and 30 feet. Sarees that are decorated with embellishments such as mirrors and embroidery are normally worn on special occasions.

There are more than five dozen ways to wear a saree. Some styles require a saree of a specific length or form. The most common style is called Nivi. In Nivi style, one end of saree is tucked into the petticoat and then the cloth is wrapped around the body.

Saree is usually worn over a petticoat with a blouse. The petticoat is usually a plain skirt.The blouse  has short sleeves and it is normally cropped at the midriff. One end of saree is normally plain, while the other end has a decorative section,called Palu. Palu is thrown over the shoulder in the Nivi style of draping. The length-wise borders are decorative borders. For fancy sarees, the decorative patterns can be made of gold or silver threads.

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